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  • kamiekeck

Let's call this Memorial Day Weekend, after all it is, right?

Might I add- the weather has been absolutely phenomenal

- cool breezes a real teaser of Fall weather, hey!

I'm going to say that we are really benefitting off of the storms that have formed around us, at the cost of other states and countries that have been devastated by Mother Nature's wrath. My heart truly goes out to everyone who was affected by the storms. I wish I had the means as an individual to truly help everyone that has been displaced and has dealt with the devastating loss and chaos in the blink of an eye. I am truly sorry, and I say prayers daily for everyone's peace to be restored.

I do not take these beautiful days at all for granted. Saturday, I started my day off early and went to one of my favorite spots for breakfast Libbie Market, where they actually serve real fresh good and healthy breakfast food. I sat outside while eating and enjoyed the fresh air smell and the crisp breeze brushing my face with the peeks of sunshine grazing through the trees and that "ahhh" early morning peaceful bliss. Continuing onward to one of Henrico's beautiful parks that I frequent quite often especially early mornings, and this past Saturday was especially pleasantly busy. I only went for a short time, as I had an agenda for the rest of the day, but had some glass bottles I needed to return to this lady at the Farmer's Market. She puts her beautiful flowers in there from her garden, and I love her flower arrangements-- Dragon Woods Farm-- Look her up on social media. While waiting on my ride, I took my time and rode the trail for a few, and it was nothing but good vibes and nature and breeze! Lucky to be. It was just amazing to soak it all in. Rays from the beautiful sun following around me dancing in my shadow guiding me through the trail showing me glimpses of sparkle through the leaves and branches of the trees. I was watching the doggies play in their section of the park- so happy and playful! I love to see happy animals! I was watching grandparents fish. I was watching grandmas walk around for exercise around the pond. Seeing people sit in the grass and have simple picnics. Watching a horseback riding, seeing the cyclist pass me, kids out playing baseball... I mean, just some of everything! It was just pleasant to see everyone doing their thing and being simply just humans! As I was leaving the park, I was heading back towards the front where the Farmers Market is taking place and was able to take a moment and catch a clip of some amazing talent-- two gentlemen simply playing with good vibes and to sit back and just stare. I will share the clip below. It was just simple...simple! Really nice to enjoy the simple!

Today, Sunday, even though I wanted to sleep in, I managed to get up by seven. That is sleeping in to me, really! But anywho, staying in bed until 8 would have been nice. I got up out of bed, pulled myself together enough so that I would not look like a bum, while going to wash clothes. I really don't like laundry, but I love clean clothes, and so it has to be done. I told myself yesterday that I would chill and not do much of anything, but who am I kidding... I went to Rockett's Landing just to sit by the water on the dock-- just a quick trip to stop and take in the fresh air outdoors and have a few moments to just sit and have a little peaceful quiet time. Then, I came back home to just put laundry away and get ready for my work day tomorrow. So, now, I am sitting here writing this blog which I have been slacking horribly lately, and I know I have said this before, but I am working on blogging a bit more regularly. I mean, I really promise that I am! I have been horrible, so I am working on it! I keep telling myself that I need to just take a day or two when I have a day or two and do nothing , but in all honesty, especially right now, since my transportation has been free due to the pandemic, I am going to take every advantage that I can! Ride the wheels off! Though I have always been an on the go type of person, I had to limit myself at times before because it's quite costly typically to pay for my transportation, and that makes for a rather tight budget, in which I am thankful for this year, since it's been free because it has helped my budget open up for other things that need to be taken care of. A small blessing in the middle of all of the chaos. Who am I kidding... a big blessing, actually... come on, Kamie! There you go! How are you guys doing? Not many have interacted with me on here, but I do wonder for those of you who do read my blog... I hope that things are getting back on track for everyone. I hope that everyone is doing their best to stay healthy. Okay, so who is ready for Fall? I do have to say I love the brisk clean feeling of Fall. and October is my favorite month. The air just hits you different. Does anyone get that?? Anywho, there's several things that I want to do if only I could find ways to get there... State Fair-- anyone ready for the state fair? There's a show in Leesburg I am desperately trying to get to. No one wants to. It makes me kind of sad. But hey, I will keep trying. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. I really dislike being so limited with transportation... aughhhh! I just want t be adventurous, but that's nothing that you have not heard before. I hope that you guys have fun things planned, and I will continue to talk to you guys about all things Kamie's World... but for tonight, I am going to end with this short video below. Enjoy and have an amazing night. Sending all my love. Virtual Hugs!


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  • kamiekeck

Hi My Lovely Audience!

Mercy has it been awhile! My sincerest apologies! This thing called life!

I'm getting it together. I know that I have said that numerous times before, but

I am getting this life together. It's a process, let me tell you!

I am trying to just slow down a little bit and really feel the simple pleasures of life lately and BREATHE.

I am doing okay. I pray all of you guys and gals are doing just as well. Sending all of my love and with my fingers crossed, I'll be back Friday with clear thoughts.

In the meantime, take a quiet moment and enjoy this precious clip below. It's only two seconds, but you have to admit it's peaceful!

Virtual Hugs


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  • kamiekeck

I went for my morning stroll with nature today before the world started stirring around.

Today- Thursday morning 07.01.21 8:00 AM

NATURE + Creatures- butterflies are flying, squirrels are running, and bunny rabbits are just enjoying the breeze while deer are peacefully grazing the grass.

It was a sight to see this morning. Too bad that I couldn't get pictures of all of the creatures! If we take a few moments and really SLOW DOWN and pay attention, we will realize all of the beauty surrounding us. Everyone enjoy your weekend! Happy Summer Vibes! Blog more soon! Take care everyone and take care of your neighbor!

Virtual Hugs! Enjoy your evening!


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